Worship is Life

No one is beyond God's reach. Each of us has an innate desire to connect and belong. At Community of Faith, we seek to bless our community and affirm each other through weekly worship, in small group community, and by service as the hands and feet of Jesus. Each week, we gather together in worship and small-group life to experience God, praise God, know God, and grow together as disciples of Jesus Christ so that we become a part of God’s transformation of the world.
We hope our ministries meet you where you are right now in life and that you experience God reaching out to you.  Worship is not something we do for an hour each week, it's who we are with every breath that we take.  Worship is life!

Welcome Home!

We can't wait to see you this Sunday.

January Sermon Series

Made to Praise

In this series, we invite you to consider that worship is life. Worship isn’t something we do or might say; it isn’t a specific time in the day or week. Rather, worship is who we are. Our life is an offering to God – our worship. This January, we will explore what worship is and what happens when we worship. Discover a deeper understanding of the holy mystery of the sacraments, the beauty revealed in community as we worship God together, and the priority of keeping the Sabbath holy as a spiritual practice that feeds our souls in this busy world we live in. 

Week 1:  Jan. 12 | Worship is Holy Mystery | Luke 24:13 – 35  

Week 2:  Jan. 19 | Worship is Discovering Beauty | Psalm 104; 1 Corinthians 12:13 –14  

Week 3: Jan. 26 | Worship is Keeping Sabbath | Exodus 20:8 – 11