Adult Ministry

Seeking a Deeper Faith

Loving God by learning to love each other and the world is the foundation of developing a deep faith. There are several ongoing groups as well as short-term groups that provide for fellowship, support and deepening faith. 

Sunday Morning Group

Each Sunday adults gather from 9:00 - 9:55 AM in the Adult Sunday School room to explore their faith together. From bible studies to topical studies, this lively discussion and presentation always is a great source of learning. The group is facilitated by Mike Folsom, who is regularly assisted by several others on a rotating basis when he is traveling with his lovely wife.  Those wishing to fellowship with one another are encouraged to come before class at 8:45 AM.

Meeting ID: 962 7577 2747 |  PW: 014712

United Methodist Men

The first Sunday of each month (September - June), the United Methodist Men (UMM) meet for breakfast at church at 7:30 AM. Food, fellowship and learning mark this time together. Throughout the year this group also engages in a variety of outings (heading to a baseball game or concert) and service projects. 

Friday Morning Community Women's Bible Study

This group of women from a variety of local faith communities meets virtually on Friday mornings 9:30 - 10:30 AM. This fall, the group is studying "Coming Back to Life" by Joanna Macy and Molly Brown. Each week is a standalone study, so you are invited to come as you are able. There is nothing to read ahead and having the book is not necessary but can be helpful. To RSVP, please contact, Rev. Joanna Dietz. This study is on Zoom and lasts for about an hour. 

Short-Term Studies

Short-term studies are offered to explore different aspects of faith. Often 60 - 90 minutes in length and led by the pastor or a lay leader, studies are 2-6 weeks in length and occur throughout the year. For a featured study, just check below or check out our events on the website. 

Women's Small Group

This small group of 8 to 10 professional women meets monthly on Wednesday or Thursday evenings from 7 - 8:30 PM (or thereabouts) to explore one "bad girl" from the Bible using a chapter from Liz Curtis Higgs book, "Bad Girls of the Bible" as inspiration. The group meets at church, someone's home, or a local restaurant as the Spirit leads, and typically breaks over the summer from June - August. If interested in joining the conversation, please speak with Pastor Abi for more details.

Summer Book Club

Over the summer, Pastor Abi has chosen four books to read -- one per month on a variety of topics related to spirituality, faith and life. One night each month, Pastor Abi hangs out at one of the local restaurants in our neighborhood and facilitates the discussion with whoever shows up! You choose the book(s) that pique your curiosity.