Local Impact

Serving Others

We believe Christ calls us to serve others with compassion and justice, so at Community of Faith you'll find a variety of ways in which we reach out and serve others focused around three priority areas:  1) Alleviating Hunger, 2) Supporting LGBTQ+ Initiatives, and 3) Providing Relief When a Crisis Strikes.

The Mission Team helps to promote community involvement by providing opportunities to alleviate suffering both locally and globally as disciples of Jesus Christ.  The team gathers monthly at the Ministry Huddle on first Sundays from 4 - 5:30 PM to plan a variety of ways for the congregation to learn and serve together.  The team is supported by Hannah Godfrey.  Come and get involved by emailing Hannah below.

Alleviating Hunger

The Food Pantry provides groceries to hungry persons in Western Fairfax every Tuesday from 4 - 6 PM.  This is the primary way we are committed to feeding the hungry.  With food gleaned from over 20 supermarkets, restaurants, and personal donations from a wide variety of sources, we serve over 225 families each week.  We partner with the Capital Area Food Bank, Society of Saint Andrews, and several other schools and non-profits to ensure the community is fed.

LGBTQ+ Initiatives

At COF, we are actively working to heal the hurt caused by the church with the LGBTQ+ community by partnering with a number of LGBTQ led organizations such as Casa Bru Mar, P-Flag, Kirby and Associates, Reconciling Ministries Network, and Virginians for a New Thing.  We support these organizations financially, host forums to educate the community, and serve as allies in the ways identified by these partners.  Every June, we march with the Capital Area Pride Parade, members serve on the planning team, and we host safe space at several local PRIDE events as well.

Providing Relief

Natural disaster can strike at any time and COF is ready to help through our partnership with UMCOR and by supporting a number of projects both locally and globally.  We consistently serve on the Volunteers in Mission Team sponsored by Vale UMC in Guatemala, we pack Kits for Conference to send to areas that need flood buckets and other key supplies, and we financially support missionary, Jacques Akasa Umembudi, with Wings of Caring, in Central Congo area of Africa.

This summer through our "spare change" we raised $780!  There was so much change that the counters couldn't count it all in one week.  Way to go!

Blessing Children at Christmas

We are preparing to host our first ever “Angel Shop” for the children of our Food Pantry clients (infants to 12-years-old) – and we need YOUR HELP with collecting toys! Instead of giving $25 gift cards to each family this year, we to plan to work collaboratively with the Mission Team, Partner Organizations, Food Pantry Volunteers, Scouts, and members of COF so that parents may “shop” for their own children and help to instill the awe, wonder and true meaning of Christmas in those we serve throughout the year. 

We are currently seeking Corporate Sponsors to help us with gifts for teens.  If your company or organization would like to help, please contact Hannah Godfrey to discuss.  Thanks!