Resurrection Life

April 2, 2024 5:00 AM
Resurrection Life

On Easter Sunday, we remembered once again that we are resurrection people!  Jesus’ resurrection was a divine transformation that demonstrated his power and victory over death, forever justified him as righteous, and clearly provided his divine identity.  The resurrection assures us of our present forgiveness and acceptance by God and is the basis of resurrection life today.  Indeed, our tears do not end in sadness but in rejoicing in Jesus’ power to transform this life here on earth and in heaven.  The power of God that raised Jesus Christ from the dead, is the same power now residing in you and me through faith in Christ.  His resurrection is the very foundation of our faith - not just some weird or archaic theological concept for "Jesus freaks".

For this Vesper, I invite you to ponder the significance and implications of this reality in your life.  Experiencing the “resurrection power” of Jesus totally redefines life!  We have the power to know the heart of God in an ever-deepening personal relationship with Jesus.  We have the power to live righteous and holy.  We have the power to be truly transformed, just as Jesus was transformed – from death to life.

If you lived in the first century as a follower of Jesus Christ, you would probably greet your friends saying, “He is risen,” to which your friends would most likely respond with, “He is risen indeed!”  The first followers of Jesus Christ knew the resurrection of Jesus from the dead was not only the centerpiece of Christianity but also the greatest proof of his identity.  Paul explains the importance of Jesus’ literal rising from the dead by stating that if Jesus be not raised, then the entire message of Christianity is false and worthless, and that preaching Jesus is senseless.  If that weren’t enough, if Jesus were dead, our sins have not been forgiven and everyone who believes in Jesus has died with false hope.  Paul concludes that if the resurrection of Jesus did not occur then Christians are the most to be pitied in the world and would actually be better off living for their own self-centered pleasure.

Thankfully, however, Paul along with all the other New Testament writers, lived and died proclaiming the message of Jesus’ resurrection.  These were eyewitness accounts convinced of the resurrection reality.  Who would be willing to die for what they know as a lie?  It is highly unlikely so many firsthand witnesses – over 500 people – could be fooled by some conspiracy.  Every New Testament writer confirms the resurrection of Jesus, and all four Gospels focus on the empty tomb and Jesus’ resurrection appearances.  God has preserved many facts and resources over the span of 2,000 plus years, which all present consistent, reliable and historical evidence supporting Jesus’ rising from the dead.

The resurrection of Jesus provides hope now and always.  Resurrection is my reason for life today and my hope for tomorrow.  Praise be to God, our living, resurrected Lord!

Read God's Word

Matthew 28:1 – 10 (CEB) | 1 Corinthians 15:1 - 24 (CEB)


  1. If you had been one of the 500 eyewitnesses of Jesus after his resurrection, what would you have told others?  To whom would you have gone first?  How would you have explained why Jesus’ resurrection is “good news,” in your own words?
  2. What difference does the Resurrection of Christ make in your everyday life?  What evidence can you offer that Christ is alive in your life?


">I Will Rise | Easter and Ascension Song | Chris Tomlin | Choir w/Lyrics SATB | Sunday 7pm Choir (  This song was Recorded live at the 2021 Easter Vigil by the Sunday 7pm Choir and Friends at St. Francis de Sales Parish in Ajax, Ontario Canada.


Take a moment to thank God for what you have specifically received through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.